Lutheran Youth Faith Education
2022 - 2023
The LYFE kids blessed us with music on Palm Sunday. Then the last LYFE session for the year was held on Wednesday, April 5th before we break for the summer. Discussion and craft of making sand filled crosses focused on the three days of Holy Week. There was a mystery meal and we celebrated our 5th grade students that will move from LYFE to confirmation next year.
On December 18th the LYFE kids performed the annual Christmas program. In the early months of 2023, we have calmed the storm making boats and made ashes from last year's palm branches we utilized for our Ash Wednesday service.
LYFE resumed in September of 2022. We continue to meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month during the school year. On October 23rd the LYFE kids sang during worship and lead fellowship after the church service. Thanks again to Amanda Hansen and Sarah Smith who assist with the LYFE program.
2021 - 2022
In February we toured the food pantry and Helping Hands Thrift store. The trip exposed the LYFE students to one way we are serving our neighbors throughout the community as God has commanded us to do.
December activities including preparing Christmas Boxes for Samaritan's Purse and presenting the Christmas Program
Our LYFE kids sang in church for us on October 24th. We appreciate their energy and euthusiasim !!
We held our first LYFE session on September 15, 2021. It is always exciting to see the increased activity, the energy and enthusiasm, brought to the church by our youth. We had 17 youth in attendance at LYFE Wednesday and finished the session with hot dogs, chips, and cake.
For our first LFYE session we discussed the creation story. What a great reminder this story is for all of us that God has created in this beautiful world we live in. We did a scavenger hunt to try and identify a few things that God created, allowing the youth to explore nature, appreciating what God has created.
Thanks to Amanda Hansen and Sarah Smith for agreeing to assist and coordinate the activities again this year.
LYFE started on September 16, 2020, with 15 students in attendance from grades K-5th. LYFE meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the months of September through April. Students will meet at the elementary office after school and walk together to the church. Lessons for this year will focus on the parables of Jesus, with our first lesson focused on the parable of the landowner and the workers being paid fairly. Following the lesson, the students completed activities and added artwork on the sidewalk outside the church related to the lesson under the leadership of Amanda Hansen and Sarah Smith. After this first session the students enjoyed a hot dog meal. See pictures below from the first class.
On Wednesday, March 24th, we held our last LYFE session for the year. Topic for the week was focused on the days and meaning of Holy Week. Following class, an end of year pizza party was held, as well as having a cake for our LYFE students who will be moving up to confirmation next year. These students as pictured below are Harley Hansen, Cameron Brummond, and Kallie Moore.
On Wednesday, March 24th, we held our last LYFE session for the year. Topic for the week was focused on the days and meaning of Holy Week. Following class, an end of year pizza party was held, as well as having a cake for our LYFE students who will be moving up to confirmation next year. These students as pictured below are Harley Hansen, Cameron Brummond, and Kallie Moore.
The LYFE students also participated in our Palm Sunday worship service by singing and proceeding into church, reading the lessons for the day, singing the Lord’s Prayer, and singing and processing out of church. I want to thank them all for their support and participation in the worship service.
Thanks to Amanda Hansen and Sarah Smith for their assistance and leadership in coordinating and leading the activities each week of LYFE.
Thanks to Amanda Hansen and Sarah Smith for their assistance and leadership in coordinating and leading the activities each week of LYFE.